Why Dog Grooming is so Important to Your Dog’s Health
Bonjour my lovelies! It’s no surprise that I, a Maltese, love grooming and looking my best. My owner Penelope takes me to the groomer’s often and it’s one of my favorite things – my own spa day. But did you know it isn’t just about looking gorgeous – dog grooming is important for your dog’s health. True! Here’s how grooming goes beyond looks to keep your dog in tip top shape. Matted Fur Dogs with longer coats may get matted…
Summer At Snoozer And Moxie The Wonderdog Part 2
Follow the everyday adventures of Moxie as her adopted grandfather finds ways to keep her happy and fit all summer long while his daughter is away lifeguarding in Maine. Help! I Need Ideas To Let Moxie Burn Energy. I’m a couple weeks into my Moxie duties now, and one of the biggest challenges I’m facing is how to keep a young dog active and keep their boredom at bay. We go for long walks in the morning, and that…