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What to Look For in a Dog Bed | Moxie the Maltese | Snoozer Tails

What to Look For in a Dog Bed

Shopping for a dog bed! How fun. I always say it’s the most important piece of furniture in the house. That’s why you need to have a little info before you buy the first bed you see.

As a Maltese, I don’t need a big dog bed, but I do need my bed to be comfortable, durable, and as sophisticated as I am. That’s why I’m sharing some of my insight with you on what to look for as you buy your next dog bed. Here are my top 4 things to consider when buying a dog bed.

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Keeping Cool This Summer | Snoozer Tails

Keeping Cool This Summer

Summer is almost here. Remember, us dogs can suffer from heatstroke, sunburn, organ failure, and even death if we get too hot. See, we don’t sweat the way you do; 90% of the way we cool ourselves off is by panting. All this to say, it’s important to keep your dog cool when temperatures rise. Here’s how.
Skip the shave
If your dog’s fur is very thick, you may be tempted to shave it all off to cool them down in the summertime. Don’t do it. As odd as it seems, dogs with double coats actually regulate temperature better when they have their fur, as it protects them from too much cold and too much heat.

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Snoozer Or Cruiser | Lookout Dog Car Seat | Cozy Cave Dog Bed | Snoozer Pet Products

Is Your Dog a Cruiser or a Snoozer?

News flash: Dogs are awesome! No matter if they’re big or small, purebred or mixed breed, active or lazy. Every dog deserves a happy life, and that’s what we’re all about at Snoozer Pet Products. So we introduce to you two types of dogs we love most: the #Cruisers and the #Snoozers. The Cruisers Some dogs want nothing more than to hit the open road. These are the “Cruisers.” They’re explorers by nature. There’s no tree they haven’t smelled, no…

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Outdry, Outcool and Outlast® All The Others.

Make your dog the coolest dog in the neighborhood with the dog beds that Outcool, Outdry, and Outlast® the competition. This space-age material was developed for NASA and helps manage the buildup of heat by mitigating temperature swings to balance temperature, keeping pets Not too Hot, Not too Cold®. With convoluted foam, added odor retention and the benefit of heat management with Outlast® technology (the same stuff NASA uses), these are the only premium pet sleep systems of their kind on…

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Summer At Snoozer And Moxie The Wonderdog Part 2

Follow the everyday adventures of Moxie as her adopted grandfather finds ways to keep her happy and fit all summer long while his daughter is away lifeguarding in Maine.   Help! I Need Ideas To Let Moxie Burn Energy. I’m a couple weeks into my Moxie duties now, and one of the biggest challenges I’m facing is how to keep a young dog active and keep their boredom at bay.  We go for long walks in the morning, and that…

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A Summer At Snoozer- Moxie the Wonder Dog

Sun, sand, seafood, tourists – they are all what make Maine great in the summer. My fortunate daughter is heading to Maine to be a lifeguard at the beach this summer.  It’s great to be on college break for the summer, and there is probably no better job than spending the week as a guard at a beach in Maine. Only one problem – what to do with Moxie the Wonder dog?  My daughter rescued Moxie from the Greenville Humane…

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