How to Treat Dogs Scared of Thunderstorms
Keeping Your Dog Warm on Cold Days
How to Train Your Dog Not to Jump on Visitors
The doorbell rings – there’s an unfamiliar voice – oh my goodness, it’s a visitor! Yay, Yay, YAY! This is what runs through my head when we get visitors at our house. As a yellow lab, I tend to be very friendly, and I get the impression that I’m sometimes a little TOO exuberant when greeting new faces at the door. I’ve learned over time that jumping on visitors is OFF LIMITS! Although it may seem like an impossible job to train your dog to stop jumping up on visitors, it can be done! Here’s how.
Tips for Car Travel with Your Large Dog
My friend Moxie the Maltese is little and sometimes I’m jealous of how easy it is for her to go everywhere with Penelope, her owner. They go everywhere together! I’m a yellow lab so I’m a pretty big dog, though not one of the biggest. Still, you can’t put me in a purse and cart me around. But big dogs like to travel and be with their owners too! Here are some ways to make travel with your large dog…
Common Household Foods and Plants that are Poisonous to Dogs
Us dogs are curious creatures. We like to explore, especially when we’re alone at home with nothing else to do. Even I, a lazy greyhound, from time to time will see if there’s anything interesting in the kitchen trash. (The answer is always yes.)
Unfortunately, there are a number of things in the household that can be dangerous to dogs. Some items may cause some mild digestive issues, while others are fatal depending on the amount ingested. Below are some things you may have at home that should be kept out of your dog’s reach.