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Celebrities Carrying Snoozer Pet Products

Celebs Love Snoozer, Too!

Bonjour my lovelies! Celeb-sighting is one of my favorite pastimes and have I got some juicy celeb sightings for you! You know how much I love Snoozer Pet Products, including their innovative Lookout dog seats for the car. Well, it turns out that lots of celebs love them, too! Who, you ask? Read on to find out! Katherine Heigl – Lookout! Snoozer’s In Town The famous American actress and 2 time Golden Globe nominee, Katherine Heigl, best known for her role…

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What to Look For in a Dog Bed | Moxie the Maltese | Snoozer Tails

What to Look For in a Dog Bed

Shopping for a dog bed! How fun. I always say it’s the most important piece of furniture in the house. That’s why you need to have a little info before you buy the first bed you see.

As a Maltese, I don’t need a big dog bed, but I do need my bed to be comfortable, durable, and as sophisticated as I am. That’s why I’m sharing some of my insight with you on what to look for as you buy your next dog bed. Here are my top 4 things to consider when buying a dog bed.

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The Story of Amy, Jet & Their Forgiveness Sofa

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France At Snoozer, we believe that our dog beds, travel items, and accessories are more than just products for sale. They become interwoven into our dog’s life. They become part of the story we share with him. If that sounds a little high-falutin’, just think about how important these things are to your dog on a daily basis. She probably spends several hours sleeping on…

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The Snoozer Dog Bike Seat Helps Make For A Heck Of A Road Trip.

You might say Asta is one lucky dog. His owners, Cindy and Mark, recently took him on a 500-mile bicycle tour from the Seattle area into Canada, across to Vancouver Island, to the San Juan Islands and back to Seattle. The 11-year-old Parson Russell Terrier saw the sights from the comfort of his Dog Rider Bicycle Seat Lookout. Cindy and Mark would ride 500 miles and climb 27,000 feet in 15 days, all while carrying the weight of camping equipment….

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What Makes a Good Dog Bed?

What Makes A Good Dog Bed.

Snoozer dog beds begin with great materials, but it’s the people who sew and assemble them that make them great. We manufacture the great majority of products with pride right here in the USA. Our people take pride in their work, and it shows in every Snoozer.

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