How to Care for Dogs with Joint Problems
Just like humans, many of us dogs suffer from joint problems, especially as we get older. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of joint pain in dogs, but trauma, infection, and other conditions can also be the cause. If your dog is experiencing joint problems, here are some things you can do to make life easier and help relieve some of the pain.
Are Dogs Colorblind?
How to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean
Keeping Your Dog Warm on Cold Days
Train Your Dog to Stop Straining on the Leash
Today I want to talk about walking on a leash. It sounds simple but believe it or not, it can be challenging for many owners to get their pooches to walk properly on the leash! Many dogs strain against the leash, lunge, or want to be in charge rather than following their owner. (Not me, of course! I’m referring to other dogs.) These can be hard habits to break in dogs who have gotten set in their ways, but it’s not impossible! Follow these training tips.
How to Train Your Dog Not to Jump on Visitors
The doorbell rings – there’s an unfamiliar voice – oh my goodness, it’s a visitor! Yay, Yay, YAY! This is what runs through my head when we get visitors at our house. As a yellow lab, I tend to be very friendly, and I get the impression that I’m sometimes a little TOO exuberant when greeting new faces at the door. I’ve learned over time that jumping on visitors is OFF LIMITS! Although it may seem like an impossible job to train your dog to stop jumping up on visitors, it can be done! Here’s how.