What is the best music to help dogs sleep?
Some dogs like to fall asleep to the sound of music every night. Others need a little help drifting off only when there’s a scary thunderstorm outside. But which type of tunes is best in terms of getting dogs to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep? Here’s what we know about the best kind of music to help dogs sleep.
What does it mean when your dog sleeps all day?
Getting enough sleep is vital for good health. But sometimes too much is too much. If your dog sleeps all day long, you might be wondering if it’s a sign that something else going on. And the answer is yes, it could be – excessive sleep is a common sign of many health conditions that need medical attention, some of which are discussed below. Or it could be a normal amount of sleep that’s no cause for concern. First let’s look at what’s considered normal when it comes to dogs and sleep.
Dog sleeping positions and what they mean about your dog
Dogs sleep 12 hours a day on average, plus or minus, and puppies and seniors sleep even more! You’ve probably seen your dog sleeping while twisted up into all kinds of positions. Did you know that the position your dog sleeps in can tell you something about your dog? Here are some common dog sleeping positions and what they mean.
How to secure a dog in the car
Keeping your dog secure when traveling in the car isn’t just for your dog’s safety, but the safety of you and your passengers, too. Plus, many dogs feel more happy and less anxious in the car when they feel safe and secure. Fortunately, you have several options. Here are different ways to secure a dog in the car.
Benefits of a waterproof dog bed
Have you ever considered a waterproof dog bed for your dog? They’re a lot more versatile than you might think. While many dog beds are stain-resistant and even water-resistant, waterproof dog beds take it to the next level. Here are five benefits of waterproof dog beds you may not have thought of.