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Greenville County

Puppy Snuggles

5 Reasons to Foster a Dog

I was a foster dog at one point. In between coming off the racing track and finding a forever home, greyhounds typically have a stopover in a foster home. This is where we get used to life on the outside of the kennel – life with hardwood, slippery linoleum floors, glass doors, and of course comfy couches and beds. Life inside the kennel can even be dangerous sometimes! Like when big storms that even you humans are scared of come…

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New Snoozer Facility

Snoozer is Moving!

You may have heard through the grapevine, but Snoozer is moving! Not all that far, but it is something that has everyone in our company very excited! Our new digs essentially double our space (we now have over 43,000SF) over our previous spot. This is going to be great news for our customers, as the new facility will present a significant upgrade in functionality and operations and will allow us to work more efficiently. It is opening the door for…

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