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Should I let my dog sleep in my bed?
Few topics seem to divide dog lovers as much as the question over whether you should let your dog sleep in your bed with you. Some people are adamantly for it, some equally against it, and there’s no common ground in between. Maybe you’re still on the fence about it and want to find out more, or maybe you feel strongly one way or the other and simply want some reasons to back up your position. Read on for the pros and cons of letting your dog sleep in your bed with you.
Why does my dog sleep under my bed?
It’s easy to understand why your dog sometimes takes temporary refuge under your bed when something scary is going on, say, a thunderstorm or a vigorous vacuuming session. It feels safe! But not all dogs who spend time there are scared or stressed, so why do some dogs sleep under the bed? Here are four potential reasons for this funny habit.