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Snoozer Car Hammock

Tips for Car Travel with Your Large Dog

My friend Moxie the Maltese is little and sometimes I’m jealous of how easy it is for her to go everywhere with Penelope, her owner. They go everywhere together! I’m a yellow lab so I’m a pretty big dog, though not one of the biggest. Still, you can’t put me in a purse and cart me around. But big dogs like to travel and be with their owners too! Here are some ways to make travel with your large dog…

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Travel Tips for Dogs Who Hate The Car

Travel Tips for Dogs Who Really Hate The Car

I do NOT like to travel in cars. I’m one of those dogs who cannot settle down. I stand in the backseat the whole time, queasy and uncomfortable, asking my family “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
Recently my friend Moxie the Maltese gave some great general tips about car travel with your dog. She even suggested some quick fixes for dogs who suffer from anxiety and carsickness.
These tips are fantastic but I wanted to add more, since there’s even more you can do to ease your dog’s fear or motion sickness and make them happy in the car!

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Keeping Cool This Summer | Snoozer Tails

Keeping Cool This Summer

Summer is almost here. Remember, us dogs can suffer from heatstroke, sunburn, organ failure, and even death if we get too hot. See, we don’t sweat the way you do; 90% of the way we cool ourselves off is by panting. All this to say, it’s important to keep your dog cool when temperatures rise. Here’s how.
Skip the shave
If your dog’s fur is very thick, you may be tempted to shave it all off to cool them down in the summertime. Don’t do it. As odd as it seems, dogs with double coats actually regulate temperature better when they have their fur, as it protects them from too much cold and too much heat.

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Snoozer Or Cruiser | Lookout Dog Car Seat | Cozy Cave Dog Bed | Snoozer Pet Products

Is Your Dog a Cruiser or a Snoozer?

News flash: Dogs are awesome! No matter if they’re big or small, purebred or mixed breed, active or lazy. Every dog deserves a happy life, and that’s what we’re all about at Snoozer Pet Products. So we introduce to you two types of dogs we love most: the #Cruisers and the #Snoozers. The Cruisers Some dogs want nothing more than to hit the open road. These are the “Cruisers.” They’re explorers by nature. There’s no tree they haven’t smelled, no…

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The Snoozer Dog Bike Seat Helps Make For A Heck Of A Road Trip.

You might say Asta is one lucky dog. His owners, Cindy and Mark, recently took him on a 500-mile bicycle tour from the Seattle area into Canada, across to Vancouver Island, to the San Juan Islands and back to Seattle. The 11-year-old Parson Russell Terrier saw the sights from the comfort of his Dog Rider Bicycle Seat Lookout. Cindy and Mark would ride 500 miles and climb 27,000 feet in 15 days, all while carrying the weight of camping equipment….

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