What size dog bed should you get for a puppy?
by Maple
Why do dogs twitch in their sleep?
by Kia
What time should puppies go to bed?
by Maple
How to help a dog with arthritis at home
by Moxie
Arthritis in dogs is a sadly common affliction: one in five dogs will suffer from arthritis at some point in their lifetime, according to the Arthritis Foundation. If your dog has been diagnosed with arthritis, or you suspect they may have arthritis, you may want to know how to alleviate your dog’s pain. Here are some things you can do in the home to help your dog with arthritis.
Why does my dog drool in the car?
by Beckley
Do you dread car trips with your dog because they drool so much? Dogs drool for many reasons – some of them physiological, some of them psychological – but the good news is that if your dog has a car-specific drooling issue, it can be addressed. Here are possible reasons your dog drools in the car and what to do about it.
Do dogs sleep with their eyes open?
by Maple